Instructor: Shawn Herrin
Class limit is 8 people
Time: 8am - 5pm
Classroom Time: 5
Practicals Time: 3 hours
Class Cost is $200 (Contact us to see if you qualify for a discount)
Round Count: 0
Clothing Requirement: Please wear cloths that you don't mind getting
stained red and or very dirty (Plan to throw these cloths away) You may
want to bring a change of cloths for after the class.
To register for this class please Click here.
For class dates check our calendar
This class is for civilian students that understand the world is a dangerous place. Medical skills are imperative to round out an individual skill set. Whether reacting to a household accident, the aftermath of an active killer incident, bombing or other traumatic incident we will ensure that you are prepared to react. This is not a basic first aid class and only covers traumatic injuries and treatments.
*This class is not for those with weak stomachs.
Disturbing videos and imagery are used.
Civilian Medical 1 discusses
Situational treatment strategies and phases of care.
Medical protocols
How to assess and treat symptoms common in traumatic injuries, such as:
Massive hemorrhaging
Head Injury / Hypothermia
Proper application of tourniquets.
Wound packing Discussion and recommendations for trauma kits
*No invasive treatments are taught in this class, such as:
Needle thoracostomy
Nasopharyngeal airway
Cricothyroidotomy Etc.
The class consists of lecture, practical exercises and scenario train where students will put their skills into mock practice on fellow classmates and instructors.
Minimum age of 18 years old. This is a medical class and there will be touching during treatment practical exercises and scenarios. Please keep this in mind.
Civilian Medical I